whazzing around

a thing on the internet

Searching vs Finding

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I’ve found that many of the truly interesting and outlook-altering pieces of information I’ve acquired have come via finding something randomly or pseudo-randomly as opposed to searching it out.

These days the information in question is often a tool, configuration, or piece of code that radically shortcuts an oft-repeated activity. It has nothing to with luck, or ability to use Google, however. The delight in finding the perfect tool or option is often that you never conceived that it could exist in the first place.

The most stark example I’ve had recently is in pursuit of my quest to learn vim. In changing over from TextMate to vim many times I would end up pondering really newb questions: how do I cut a line of text? How do I move to the end of a file? A couple of HI-YAH’s of Google-Fu later I’ve got the answer an I’m trucking along. Some days, however, I’ll be reading something unrelated and all of a sudden learn that dt followed by a character will delete from the cursor position to the next instance of that character. It’s weird, but that was a game-changer for me. Changing out strings became: dt” and then insert and go.

I could also characterize my use of guard in this way. I was at a Mad-Railers hack day awhile back and Brad happened to be using guard for his rspec execution during TDD. It was a revelation that I could just edit files and tests and it would automatically rerun. Here’s where things get interesting, however. It had previously never occurred to me to even look for a way to speed up my tests or optimize the time spent manually executing them. It was a problem I didn’t know I had. After learning about guard I looked through the list of available guards, however, and found some other interesting ones. These additional plugins for the guard model were also solving problems I didn’t even know were bugging me until I found they were solved problems.

This all came to me this morning as I was watching Ryan Bates’ Railscast on using Spork to speed up test execution further by preloading the Rails framework and keeping it in memory between tests.

When worrying about getting a primary goal completed (say, a feature in an application) you don’t often think about solutions to one-off problems or annoyances, let alone prioritize solving them. This is partially why I invest time at the beginning of a project to develop and optimize the code-test-fix cycle, why I obsess over the deployment model when I only have a README, and why I like continuous integration before a test has been written. Once your process for coding is solid, you can optimize it piecemeal as you need to or as you find unexpected tools or processes that would increase your productivity drastically.

An example: my tests were already running really well under guard, but 15 minutes or install and configuration of guard-spork I saw immediate speed gains.